KC Restoration wants to thank all the brave men and women who have fought and protected our country. You make possible the life we Americans are privileged to enjoy. Thank you for the countless and daily sacrifices you have, are, and will make.
On this Veterans Day, consider showing your gratitude to the veterans in your community by donating your time or a financial gift to one of the wonderful nonprofit organizations that support those who have given so much for us. The Travis Manion Foundation is one of the organizations that KC Restoration supports. It was founded in 2008 to inspire others to strive toward the commitment to country and passion for community shown by 1st Lt. Travis Manion. Through community-building projects, programs that inspire future leaders, initiatives that foster camaraderie, and events that support our veterans, service members, and their families, the foundation keeps alive the legacies of our heroes and empowers veterans and families of fallen heroes. To learn more about the Travis Manion Foundation, click on this link to their homepage: http://www.travismanion.org/