Shop Local to Benefit Your Community

Shop Local to Benefit Your Community

Small and local businesses have more community impact than on their designated once-a-year Small Business Saturday awareness events. The ability to reflect a community’s character and interact with their neighbors on both a business and personal level is something...
Which Type of Maintenance Saves the Most Money?

Which Type of Maintenance Saves the Most Money?

When it comes to the three types of maintenance, do you know which type will save you the most? The answer may surprise you. A strong maintenance program you can easily follow requires understanding the difference between reactive, preventive, and predictive...
Hardwood Floor Maintenance Tips

Hardwood Floor Maintenance Tips

Hardwood floors are loved for their durability and elegance. Having hardwood floors increases property value and improves the first impression of any commercial facility. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for decades. Below are some best practices to...