Rochelle, Bill, LeAnn, & Rachel showing off KC Restoration’s showcase table
Thanks goes out to everyone who stopped by KC Restoration’s table this last Thursday at Union Station. We appreciated all the support and interest in our services. We also want to send a big thanks to all the KC Chamber’s support staff for all the work you put into pulling together this year’s outstanding Small Business of the Year Candidates’ Showcase. You can see the enjoyment on the faces of our team; we so enjoyed getting to share the experience with the business owners and staff of some top-notch local businesses who put together some creative, impressive displays and delicious food. We’re proud and blessed to be a part of Kansas City’s business community.

Setting up for the KC Chamber’s Showcase

Bill Luemmen and Ed Reeves, KC Restoration’s valued Score mentor whose countless hours working with local small businesses has so greatly benefited Kansas City. Thanks for joining us at Union Station!

Chris, Bill, & Matt enjoying the Chamber Showcase