Winterproofing Workplaces

Winterproofing Workplaces

Loss of productivity, overtime for existing employees, and increased workers’ compensation costs are just a few of the negative impacts from slips and falls. This doesn’t even include the detrimental effects on the injured employees’ lives. To avoid these costs,...
December is National Write a Business Plan Month

December is National Write a Business Plan Month

National Write a Business Plan Month is an annual designation observed in December. Have you ever thought about starting your own business, but aren’t sure about what steps to take? KC Restoration is here to help! Every business needs a business plan, and it’s a great...

Winter Driving Tips for Workers

With colder temps and winter upon us, the Midwest can see slippery road conditions. We at KC Restoration hope everyone stays safe on the roads this winter. Here are some tips to help keep your team safe: Recognize the hazards of winter weather driving such as driving...
November News from KCR!

November News from KCR!

Our November newsletter is out! Find out about our Operation Christmas Child Program and how you can start one at your company! #KCR #StoneMetalWood #OperationChristmasChild