by Sara Hartman | Mar 13, 2025 | Blog, Building Renewal, Escalators, Exteriors, Metal, Patina, Restrooms, Stainless Steel
Stainless steel refinishing services are a smart choice versus replacement. In the world of commercial property management, maintaining the visual appeal and functionality of your facilities is crucial. Of course, stainless steel fixtures, such as elevators and doors,...
by KC Restoration | Aug 2, 2024 | Blog, Exteriors, Stone
Cleaning and sealing exterior stone surfaces is crucial as they often accumulate dirt and stains over time, resulting in dark streaks and discoloration. While preventing this entirely can be challenging, understanding and addressing the primary causes of staining can...
by KC Restoration | Feb 20, 2024 | Blog, Exteriors, Metal, Uncategorized
Banks are the backbone of modern economies, pivotal in ensuring financial stability and growth. With a steadfast commitment to preservation and security, local banks place their trust in us to beautify their buildings. Our mission? To breathe new life into every nook...
by KC Restoration | May 18, 2023 | Blog, Exteriors
Building maintenance is similar to preventive health in that both require proactive measures to ensure long-term health and performance. We take care of our bodies to prevent illness and disease, we also take care of our buildings to prevent damage and accidents....
by KC Restoration | Mar 1, 2023 | Blog, Exteriors
Spring is just around the corner! Spring is the ideal time to inspect and clean building facades and exteriors. The outdoor elements, winter weather, water, carbon pollution, and biological growth can stain and contaminate building facades. Contaminants can create...
by KC Restoration | Sep 6, 2022 | Atomospheric staining, Blog, Exteriors
Regardless of age or condition, all commercial and industrial properties must be maintained in order to stay in good working condition, retain their value and provide a safe workspace for all occupants. Continuous exposure to natural elements such as pollutants and...