STFs Tips and Prevention Q and A

STFs Tips and Prevention Q and A

When it comes to slips, trips, and falls (STFs), the statistics are scary. In the United States, falls account for more than 8 million hospital emergency room visits. In addition to causing injuries, falls cost money and result in lost work productivity. Fortunately,...
Tips for Exterior Metal Furnishings

Tips for Exterior Metal Furnishings

As summer officially approaches, you may be thinking about replacing or improving your exterior furnishings. Many office and retail facilities have metal chairs and benches outside to provide seating for employees and customers. Metal furniture is far more resilient...
Metal Wall Decor for Interior Design

Metal Wall Decor for Interior Design

There are endless options when it comes to designing an interior commercial space.  However, most real estate managers are not interior designers and there are several factors to be considered. When choosing art for bare walls, there are several advantages to metal...
Keeping Cemetery Markers Beautiful

Keeping Cemetery Markers Beautiful

Cemeteries are more than just a final resting place for our loved ones. They are a place of beauty, where the memory of those passed are preserved. Cemetery markers recognize human beings that impacted history. It’s important not to neglect markers in order to...
Exterior Deep Cleaning Helps Save You Money

Exterior Deep Cleaning Helps Save You Money

Commercial exteriors collect debris such as dirt, animal droppings, pollution, and construction waste.  The accumulation of all these elements will cause the color of the facility building to fade. Mold and mildew that grows from humid temperatures or heavy traffic...