Tips for Exterior Metal Furnishings

Tips for Exterior Metal Furnishings

As summer officially approaches, you may be thinking about replacing or improving your exterior furnishings. Many office and retail facilities have metal chairs and benches outside to provide seating for employees and customers. Metal furniture is far more resilient...
Exterior Deep Cleaning Helps Save You Money

Exterior Deep Cleaning Helps Save You Money

Commercial exteriors collect debris such as dirt, animal droppings, pollution, and construction waste.  The accumulation of all these elements will cause the color of the facility building to fade. Mold and mildew that grows from humid temperatures or heavy traffic...
Maintenance for Exterior Displays

Maintenance for Exterior Displays

Exterior items displayed outdoors can transform an enhance any exterior space. Unfortunately, constant exposure to the elements and potential damage from living creatures makes outdoor displays far more challenging to preserve than pieces displayed indoors. It is...
2021 Project of the Year

2021 Project of the Year

KC Restoration completed many projects during 2021 that beautified our community. Several metal, wood, stone and exterior surfaces were refinished and restored around the Kansas City area, adding value and appeal to many properties.  While it was a tough choice, our...