Members of the KCR team recently teamed up with IREM Kansas City and other companies to wrap 20,000 diapers for Happy Bottoms. One in three families does not have enough diapers to keep their child clean, dry and healthy. Happy Bottoms collaborates with the community to empower, connect, and impact low-income families by alleviating diaper need in the KC community. Happy Bottoms has distributed over 17 million diapers to families in need since its inception in 2009.

The event was hands-on work that provided diapers for nearly 4,000 children. Our team learned about diaper need, operations, project specific training, and had time to reflect on our accomplishments. This event helped our company fulfill one of our core values which is Community: KC Restoration seeks to build community internally and as an active and involved member of the Kansas City community.

  • We have built a community within KC Restoration through team building events and working together to benefit others.
  • We encourage our employees to take part in service opportunities which benefit the community.
  • Employees help determine which local non-profits receive charitable contributions.

KC Restoration to helping our city thrive by serving those in need.  We partner with our customers and employees to help children, animals, veterans and others in need several times a year.  Recipients of our charitable donations and volunteerism include Children’s Mercy Hospital, KC Pet Project, Operation Christmas Child, Heart of America Patriot Foundation, Mission Southside, Kansas School for the Deaf and more. For more information, contact KC Restoration today!