The Benefits of Historic Preservation

There are currently 63 registered historical landmarks across Kansas and Missouri.  These designated historic facilities and areas create a cultural and positive impact in the communities where they are located. The preservation of commercial properties improves...

Gratitude – from Emotion to Action

KC Restoration Culture Series – each month we will highlight a different company value. Since Thanksgiving is in November, we selected the value of Gratitude to discuss this month. Gratitude is an emotion, something that gives you a feeling of happiness. Happiness can...

Advantages of Wood Furniture Restoration

Many buildings contain certain wood furniture pieces that provide appeal and functionality. Wood furniture, doors and walls provide beautiful aesthetics for commercial and retail facilities, but over time wood can fade, get scratched or look worn and unappealing....

Spruce Up for Spring!

Spring will be springing in a matter of a few weeks! Commercial facilities take a beating during the harsh winter months and an exterior deep cleaning procedure is a great solution for not only improving the appearance of the facility, but also for improving the...