KC Restoration Culture Series – each month we will highlight a different company value. Since Thanksgiving is in November, we selected the value of Gratitude to discuss this month.
Gratitude is an emotion, something that gives you a feeling of happiness. Happiness can increase your life span, intelligence, creativity, energy and allow you to be more effective. There are many ways to express gratitude – internally (making a list of things you are grateful for), externally (send a card/text/note your gratitude to someone), or expressing gratitude to everyday things (i.e.:  I’m thankful for my heater).
At KC Restoration, our vision of gratitude is:
Gratitude:  Choose to be grateful and express gratitude.

  • The most tangible way to encourage is to offer appreciation for efforts and/or results. Please make it a point to express gratitude to a team mate each day.
  • We appreciate the opportunity our customers give us as well as their patience and flexibility. Every interaction with a customer should include an expression of appreciation.

KC Restoration demonstrates gratitude in many different ways:

  • Our technicians give written notes of gratitude in their end of shift reports.
  • Our CEO writes hand written thank you notes.
  • We send video messages of thanks to our technicians.
  • We send vendors and customers expressions of our gratitude through words and gifts.

We are so grateful you took the time to read about Gratitude. We hope you find ways to spread gratitude to others.

Ways to Increase Gratitude in Your Life
Technology has made it easier to track your happiness and gratitude. Here are a few apps that can help you track your Gratitude/Happiness:

  1.  Track Your Happiness (Free)
  2. Happify (Free)
  3. My Gratitude Journal ($2.99)
  4. Headspace ($12.99/mo)
  5. RealLifeChange ($3.99/mo)
  6. Stigma ($2.99)
  7. SuperBetter (Free)
  8. iMood Journal ($2.99)
  9. Worry Watch ($2.99)
  10. Daylio (Free)