Our Blog

Advantages of Wood Furniture Restoration

Many buildings contain certain wood furniture pieces that provide appeal and functionality. Wood furniture, doors and walls provide beautiful aesthetics for commercial and retail facilities, but over time wood can fade, get scratched or look worn and unappealing....

Benefits of Elevator Maintenance

   The elevators in a facility are used by almost everyone who visits or works there on a daily basis. There is not much to do during an elevator ride except to take in the view of your elevator, both inside and out. Elevator rides give an instant impression of your...

KC Restoration Supports Be the Bridge Organization

Since the horrific and unjust murder of George Floyd, #KCR has been watching, listening and learning how to take the appropriate actions to help create change. #KCRestoration stands with the #BlackLivesMatter movement and has donated proceeds from our sales to the Be...

Building Maintenance Turns to Prevention

Although many commercial buildings are closed or at low vacancy rates amid the coronavirus pandemic, facility and property managers are still assuring all systems are running smoothly. Rather than slowing down their work, many managers are busier than ever making sure...

Minimize Lacquer Deterioration During Covid-19

During the coronavirus pandemic, all surfaces are being sanitized more than ever before.  The products primarily being used for disinfection are ammonia-based cleaners such as Clorox and Lysol.  These are effective for killing viruses but Property Managers are...