Pool Plaques Ready for Summer Rush

Pool Plaques Ready for Summer Rush

Want to find out what KC Restoration has been up to recently? Check out these before/after photos of our technicians’ work in Ottawa. In getting Forest Park’s pool ready for the upcoming summer crowds, Ottawa decided to tackle the metal restoration of two bronze signs...

Judges Visit KC Restoration Shop

What a week for KC Restoration! Alongside that interesting video shoot, we also got to welcome the team of KC Chamber judges to our shop and offices here in southern Olathe. This esteemed group with years of experience leading, developing, and handling the challenges...

Church of the Resurrection’s New Sanctuary

Over the weekend, some of KC Restoration’s team attended the sanctuary consecration of the gorgeous United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood. They were touched by the honoring mention made of the contractors, subcontractors, and hundreds of men and women...