by KC Restoration | Aug 16, 2021 | Blog, Tips
For most, late summer and early autumn means back to school, barbecues, and outdoor fun. For commercial property managers, it means something different: budget season. Stacks of paperwork and high-stakes guesswork make budgets a complicated process. The additional...
by KC Restoration | Jul 6, 2021 | Blog, Metal, Uncategorized
Patina is an aging process that happens naturally when metal is exposed to the elements and use. When metal is left untreated, over time the metal oxidizes turning it a different color (i.e.: brown, black, or green), or it can darken the color of the metal. For...
by KC Restoration | Jun 22, 2021 | Blog, News
The team at KC Restoration is ready to provide lunch for those who wish to learn more about our services. We will adhere to Covid-19 safety precautions with providing a box lunch and drink to each person that attends. Hand sanitizer will also be provided along with...
by KC Restoration | Jun 15, 2021 | Blog, Metal, Stone
Your job as a facility or property manager is to maintain your building’s exterior as well as ensure essential infrastructure runs efficiently – but not at the cost of the safety of your maintenance staff. Efflorescence or cracked brick or stonework may damage your...
by KC Restoration | May 25, 2021 | Blog, News
Part of KCR’s mission to beautify our city includes work in our residential communities. Our team has completed several restoration projects for homes, one of which has been featured in a recent issue of a local magazine. The current May online and paper editions of...