The team at KC Restoration is ready to provide lunch for those who wish to learn more about our services.  We will adhere to Covid-19 safety precautions with providing a box lunch and drink to each person that attends.  Hand sanitizer will also be provided along with mask and social distance requirements for anyone not fully vaccinated. Outdoor dining areas are also encouraged if available if weather permits.

We are committed to staying on schedule and keeping each event at no longer that one hour.  Presentations are a maximum of 20 minutes, allowing ample time to eat and ask questions. Presentations are educational and informative, not sales pitches.  Our goal is to help you manage your facilities better and building partnerships that help property and facility managers meet their goals of owner, occupant, and worker satisfaction.

We encourage you to contact us today for a better understanding of our services and get to know who we are and how we achieve our mission of beautifying and preserving Kansas City while adding value to every project and person with whom we work.