Many facilities have wood surfaces and furnishings that add functionality and appeal to spaces.  Over the years of use, many tenants come to appreciate attractive wood furniture, floors, and ornamentation. When it begins to look old, worn or scratched up, many property managers are confronted with a tough decision. Do you replace or restore? There are a few good reasons to restore and refinish existing wood furnishings and surfaces as opposed to replacement:

Same Wood, New Look

Even if the wood in a space is getting older, that is no reason why it can’t still last you for years to come. Having mature wood surfaces professionally restored or repaired can help it look fresh and new again. Like other materials, wood trends evolve. Wood can be restored to its original glory to help enhance the vintage look and feel, or it can be refinished for a new and updated appearance.  Older furniture can be repaired and restored with a complete face-lift while still preserving the original and unique aspects and characteristic.

Less Expensive Than Buying New

Replacing wood floors, trim, or furniture can be daunting and grueling. However, professional restoration services are still less than the cost of having to replace it with something new. Opting for restoration instead of buying new can leave you with more money to create an entirely different style in in a facility!


Even though it may not seem like it, by restoring and refinishing your existing wood instead of buying new, you are actually helping to do your part in protecting the environment. Scientific data shows that restoring and refinishing your existing wood can drastically reduce your carbon footprint. It is estimated that the process of making new wood releases more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the process of restoring or refinishing existing wood. Take pride in knowing you are doing your part in protecting our environment.