Giving back and supporting the communities and neighborhoods we call home is an important aspect of KC Restoration’s mission. Not only does it foster community connections, make us stronger, and of course promote business opportunity, but more importantly – it feeds our desire to “pay it forward”.

How much more rewarding does your “job” become when you can share something you have – and it doesn’t have to be monetary – with someone who could use a little advice, some direction, or a hand when they’re struggling? It makes all you do day in and day out so much more.  If you’ve got “pay it forward” on the brain and are looking for ideas, we think you’ll find the following ideas may just start a spark.

  • SPONSOR A YOUTH SPORTS TEAM: If you want to get involved in your community, consider sponsoring a local youth sports team.
  • ADOPT A FAMILY DURING THE HOLIDAYS: During the holiday season, there are lots of local charitable programs that let you support local families in need. Get the people in your office involved by adopting a family as a group.
  • LET STUDENTS SHADOW YOU: Or just invite local students to your workplace for a day or two to shadow you and learn more about your business.
  • DONATE BUSINESS CLOTHING TO RELEVANT GROUPS: There are plenty of groups that collect business casual type clothing to donate to people for job interviews or new employment. You can share any of your unwanted items with them.
  • COLLECT COATS AND SCARVES: In the winter, set up a collection in your office for coats, hats, scarves and other winter gear to donate to people in need.
  • BE A SPONSOR FOR A LOCAL EVENT: Be on the lookout for events in your local community that could use your products, services, or even some extra funds.
  • LET STAFF MEMBERS CHOOSE A CHARITY TO SUPPORT: You can even get your team involved by allowing them to vote on the charity or charities that you support.
  • SERVE AT A SOUP KITCHEN: Gather your staff and head to a local soup kitchen to serve community members in need and bond as a team.
  • SET UP A COLLECTION JAR: Place a small jar or container somewhere in your office to collect money from employees for specific causes. You can even change the cause each month or year.
  • OFFER TIME OFF FOR CHARITABLE WORK: You could even go a bit further by offering some time off periodically for employees who choose to spend that time volunteering.
  • PUT TOGETHER CARE PACKAGES: An easy way to do something nice for people is to put together care packages. You can give them out to homeless individuals, other community members, or even send them to soldiers overseas.
  • HOST A CLOTHING DRIVE: Your employees likely have a lot of clothing that they don’t wear anymore. So set up a collection area in your office and then donate the clothing to a local charity.
  • OFFER YOUR OFFICE SPACE TO CHARITABLE GROUPS: When you’re not using your office, or if you just have a little extra space to spare, offer it up to a local charity group to use for their meetings or other activities
  • CLEAN UP A NEARBY PARK: Gather your staff and head to a local park or outdoor area to clean up litter, plant trees or otherwise beautify your local community.
  • SUPPORT ANIMALS IN NEED: Paying it forward doesn’t always have to be an activity that just benefits people. You can get your team together and also help some animals in need at local shelters.
  • GIVE YOUR EMPLOYEES MONEY TO GIVE BACK: You could also reward your employees with a small stipend that they can donate to the causes of their choice.
  • DO PRO BONO WORK: Every so often, take on a client without charging them just to offer your services to a good cause or someone who really needs them.
  • BECOME A MENTOR: Share your business expertise with new entrepreneurs through a mentorship program. You can connect online or just help out someone you’ve already met.
  • DONATE SUPPLIES TO LOCAL SCHOOLS: If you have some unused office supplies or even tech equipment that you don’t use, find a local school that could use them and make a donation.

For a list of charities in need, click here and pay it forward today!