Our Blog

Gratitude – from Emotion to Action

KC Restoration Culture Series – each month we will highlight a different company value. Since Thanksgiving is in November, we selected the value of Gratitude to discuss this month. Gratitude is an emotion, something that gives you a feeling of happiness. Happiness can...

KC Restoration Culture Series: Community

Welcome to KC Restoration's new culture series!  Each month we will be highlighting one of our company values. October is about our Community value. Every company’s culture is unique, just like each finger print is different. But a company’s culture can make or break...

KC Restoration Partners with Creative Planning

KC Restoration believes great partnerships help build successful companies. Partnerships bridge the gap in knowledge and expertise; provide necessary products and services; add a different prospective to aid business decisions and create a support system which allows...

Exterior Signs Say a Lot

Although we are moving more toward a world of digital advertising, brick-and-mortar businesses must still rely on physical signage to help bring in customers. Signage is one of the most important marketing strategies for local businesses, as it can be used for both...